PHILADELPHIA, Pa. – Taking some time off the court to lend a hand, the Rosemont College men’s basketball team visited St. Bridget's parish in the East Fall's section of Philadelphia on Saturday January 9th to participate in the Sandwiches for the Poor program.
"I heard about the program through my grandmother,” said head coach Ryan Tozer. “She volunteers at the parish regularly. I thought it would be a great thing for us to do as a team.”
The team drove out to the Parish early Saturday morning and made 1,100 sandwiches along with other church volunteers in a two hour span. The sandwiches were delivered to the St. Francis Inn in the Kensington section of Philadelphia.
“The entire team set up an assembly line to put the sandwiches together,” said team captain Greg Gardner. “We were talking and laughing the entire time. It was a lot of fun and we helped a lot of people.”
“It was a complete team effort between our team and the other volunteers,” junior Will Hayes-Webb said. “From everything we heard, these sandwiches were really needed and it made me feel good to be helping out. It was a great experience and I would definitely do it again.”
On the experience, coach Tozer added, “We not only had the opportunity to lend a hand to a terrific program but we all came away with a greater appreciation for our families and their support. We are grateful to program director, Eileen Flynn for the work she does for the homeless and for allowing us to participate in some small way. We have every intention of returning in the future.”